Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Goodbye September ~ You've been FUN!

September was such a busy month for me!  It really wasn't even so much that I got to check a lot of stuff off the list, but the kids were just getting back into the swing of a new school year (I have a big college student now! :-/), my youngest turned 16, I was in a wedding and had my own to plan!!

Happy Birthday!

But amongst the chaos, I did check off a few more things as accomplished this year...

12.  Pie of the Month ~ In September we had a tried and true favorite dinner pie, Chicken Pot Pie.  Then tried one for dessert that I had never even heard of, but it sounded good! Sugar Cream Pie,  I guess it's something that is more popular in the Southern states.  Neither resulted in any leftovers...

Chicken Pot Pie

Sugar Cream Pie

15.  Buy Myself Flowers ~ I bought a whole bunch of flowers for the wedding, and even had leftovers to enjoy this week.  I used lots of ivory roses, tulips, daisies and hydrangea.  It counts!

These stood beside us on the steps.

My cake ~ I was all proud I did it myself!

Extras to enjoy all week!

My bouquet
16.  Run a 5K ~ Here I am in October and I still haven't even signed up to do this.  I just haven't had time, and I can't do the summer ones in Texas because I get way too overheated.  Plus, I'm trying to pay off debt and entry fees aren't really one I feel like sparing.  But I know I've put in way more miles than 3 that in the past month.  We'll see....maybe I can still do an "official" one this fall.

17.  Escape for a weekend away ~ We haven't really taken a honeymoon yet, but we have a spot booked on Lake Travis in November.  I can't wait!!

18.  Start scrapbooking again ~ So I printed off the pictures from our camping trip in July...that's as far as I've gotten.  Maybe things will settle down this fall and I'll be inspired.  I do have a big even I may want to preserve! ;-)
September 27, 2014
25.  Follow a Budget ~ Honestly, it's not been perfect, but I've done pretty good this year.  Even paying for the wedding, we intentionally kept it small and casual for more than one reason.   The biggest expense has actually been college! But now with a combined income, we're having a Budget Committee Meeting this week!  Time to get back to the grind.

27.  Go to the State Fair ~ Accomplished!!  A trip to the fair was one of our honeymoon weekend trips!  We went on Monday this week and it was not crowded, the weather was great, we got to seem some farm animals, lots of new cars and try all the new fried foods.  I was actually disappointed in this year's new tastes, and they didn't even have the Fried PBJ&B. We ate way too much, spent too much money and had a great time!

Fried Texas Bluebonnet

Me, Jerry & Big Tex

Me, Jerry & Big Tex

New Vette

B. I. G.


Can-struction Exhibit for NTFB

One BIG ol' pig!

 28.  Listen to my Entire iTunes Library (3350 / 5909) ~ I figured out a way to keep listening during the day.  If I turn the computer volume way up and leave my door open, it still serves as background music that I can listen to while I work, and even take a conference call during.  I finally finished the 'M' list and am part way through the 'N's.  I may still move my laptop back out here, it doesn't matter when no one is home anyway.

43.  Try a New Restaurant (13 / 12) ~ What can I say, I'm an over achiever! :P  We tried a place Jerry has been wanting to go to, and I had lunch at a new place with Nan during my pre-wedding pamper day.

Cowboy Chicken ~ This started as a local joint in North Dallas but has since expanded to several metro locations.  They serve various roasted chicken options and campfire roast veggies.  It was actually quite good, and a better option than all the fried chicken options out there today.

Zoe's Kitchen ~ This was actually a bit of a surprise.  I was expecting like a "home cooked" comfort food type place, but it was actually a greek/Mediterranean place with lots of lite / healthy options.  I had a chicken pita and a greek salad and it was really good.  I'll definitely be back!
44.  Shoe Challenge ~ These updates aren't as far behind since I can post a quick update from my phone....I'm 27 pairs in and counting!

So it was  a busy month and I'm glad to finally have a chance to kick back and put my feet up.  But there are still lots of events coming up that I want to go to in October so stay tuned!

1 comment:

Tulane said...

I love your blog ... especially your "pie of the month" and shoes (which are very dear to my heart!). September was really special with all the details about your wedding. :)
