Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tell Your Story Tuesday...Challenge #3

This challenge tells a little about your thoughts, feelings, habits or behaviors.  This one was really tough, I had to kind of start it early and jot things down as I noticed them because for me it required a little thought, I couldn't really think on the spot.  Think of sites, sounds, or smells and what they may remind you of or memories they trigger, or maybe a quirky habit you have.

A fill in the blank challenge: Whenever I ________, I ________.

Something to Remind Me...

  • Whenever I...smell hot tar on a summer day, I always think of Six Flags.  I even say it out loud, "It smells like Six Flags!"  I guess they used tar based pavement, but to me I always remember that smell as associated with going to Six Flags when I was a kid.  Oh remembers "Pink Things"?? I mean the real ones!

  • Whenever I...hear a song on the radio, I end up singing it in my head the rest of the day.  Or at least until I hear another one, but it's always whatever the last one I heard was.  Sometimes, it could even be a commercial jingle, which is annoying, but I can't get it out until I hear something else. If it's something I don't like, I turn on a radio, stat!
And speaking of songs…
  • Whenever I...hear a certain song, I think of specific memories.  For instance, every time I hear Abracadabra by Steve Miller Band, I think of specific morning after a sleepover with my BFF when we were probably 13 dancing around in our PJs.  Or when I hear My Sharona by The Knack, I remember being at my cousins house in California.  They shared a room and had one of those corner sets with the table in the middle and twin beds on either side.  I was probably an annoying  9 or 10, but my cousins were exciting teenagers, Sandy even had a boyfriend!  I thought they were so cool!  They probably just wanted me to go away. LOL

Wow!  It works just thinking about a song too!  At least I like this one! *findsonitunes*

Ugh this next one is kind of embarrassing...

  • Whenever I...come down the stairs, I slap my ass.  Hahahaha told ya!  The way my stairs are set up they are on the end of the room and you come off the landing and have to turn left into the room.  So I always grab the end of the banister and propel myself around the corner, then when my hand drops it always lands on my backside.  I don't even remember when I noticed it the first time, but now I notice every time and I can't even NOT do it. I guess I'm weird, but I'm being honest. LOL

  • Whenever I...watch my kids perform, I cry.  Every. Time.  Ok maybe not "cry" exactly, but I get this huge swell of pride I guess.  It causes me to get chills and this lump in my throat and I get like this weird breathing thing where I'm like sobbing or a breath or something.  My shoulders even shake and I do get little tears at the corners of my eyes.  I think maybe the shoulder thing is the result of my trying NOT to actually cry.  But in my defense I have 2 beautiful daughters who are amazingly talented.

    I was going to embed a video here, but it's too big, but if you'd like to watch, click HERE.
    And if you did....tell me you don't have Stevie Nicks stuck in your head now?  Ha you're doing it too!

  • Whenever I...hit my breaks hard, I throw my right arm across my passenger.  It's like a mom reflex or something. I remember my mom doing it to me, and it doesn't even matter who's in the passenger seat.  My kid, a friend, my husband, my purse...LOL  If I were to hit anything, it's not like my arm is going to do a better job than the seat belt.  My husband always looks at me like I'm crazy..."what's that going to do?"  More than likely break my arm I guess, but I can't help it, it's a reflex.

  • Whenever I...notice big puffy clouds in the sky, I look for shapes.  I can remember doing this for hours as a kid.  I still do it everytime!  It's a little more difficult when I'm driving and my passengers always find more than I do!

  • Whenever I... smell pancakes I think of my grandfather.  When I was a kid we used to go stay at a log cabin on Lake Tahoe every summer for 2 weeks.  I have some of the best memories from those times.  Walking down the street to the beach, or for ice cream, riding bikes all over town, laying in the hammock and looking for cloud shapes, making card houses (nobody even knows how to do this anymore).  There was no TV but we found things to do, it was great!  But I specifically remember every time we went, my grandfather would get up early and make us all pancakes for breakfast.  I don’t what the heck he put in them, but they were the BEST pancakes EVER!!  He made them on a plug in griddle and we used real butter and maple syrup.  I’m thinking with as many of us were there sometimes he probably went through like an entire box of Bisquick every day!  Mmmm….who’s hungry?

This was kind of a hard one to come up with, I don’t always even notice these things so I had to give it a few days and write it down when I did.  I’m sure there are other goofy things I do or that trigger some memory, but these are the ones I noticed this week.  

By the way....do you still have that last song in your head too?? ;-)

What about you?  Tell your story...


Laura @Simply Me, The way I see it said...

I do the mom car thing too, to the dogs. Oh cast iron skillets and pancakes remind me of my grandpa. That is why we have like 5 cast iron skillets now. I insisted Joe and I get some to cook with and it is amazing how hot they get!
I didn't know you had a Tuesday Link. I will remember that for next week! :)

Unknown said...

HAHA I'm telling you the mom arm thing is like an instinct! Thanks for visiting. =)