Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Bathroom Make Over

I got a wild hair and decided out of nowhere to redecorate my bathroom.  I'd been hating it for a long time, because it was so plain, but figured it was my master bathroom and nobody ever sees it anyway.  But my friend Laura showed me an awesome counter treatment that looked really cool and was inexpensive so I took the leap!

I was crazy nervous about doing this, it looked kind of daunting, but it turned out to be pretty easy once I got started.  It took all weekend to complete, but that was because of the drying times.

My before was plain formica counter that the builders put into my spec home before I found it.  The only color in here was on my rugs

I used Giani Granite countertop paint.  It came in a kit with everything you needed (except the roller pan) to paint your counters.  The kit is around $75 and covers 35 sq ft.  It comes with paper instructions and a dvd instruction video and turned out to be way easier than I expected.  I think painting your counters black before knowing how it's going to turn out is the hardest part....SCARY!!

Step 1 ~ Base coat

After cleaning the counters and taping everything up, they give you a special base coat....then you have to wait 8 hours!! :(

By now, I'm all in and there is no turning back.  So now I have ants in my pants to get it done! Eight (8) hours felt like FOREVER.

Then using the sponge they supply, you start applying your colors in random patterns.  I wanted this to be mostly black so didn't use a lot, but you can make it turn out as dark or light as you want depending how much color you add to your base coat.  You can even add your own colors to it, using acrylic paints.  You really just keep playing with it until you get a look you're happy with....and wait some more.

Step 2 ~ Color

At this point I was in a panic..... This is before the topcoat and while it was all still taped up.  Oh well, no turning back now.

"Oh no, what did I do?" 

 After applying 3 coats of a high gloss topcoat (supposedly the same stuff they use on cars), and lots more waiting in between coats... it's time to pull of the tape.

I couldn't believe how much the color of my cabinets popped.  I didn't do anything to those but wipe them off but they look almost brand new with this new color.  I'm all proud of myself by this step.

Love it!

Then you have to let it cure before you can use it.  So I had plenty of time to go out and find some new rugs, and towels, and accessories to match!

The next step in our process was the plain ol' mirror.  Using crown molding and some spray paint we created a frame around the edge.  "We" being my hubby, since he's better with power tools than I am. ;-)

Whole new look!!

I'm SUPER happy with the end result and now want to do the girls bathroom next!

1 comment:

Laura @Simply Me, The way I see it said...

Your counters turned out so good! I love them even more than mine!!! You rock my friend.