Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tell Your Story Tuesday...Challenge #1

This is not an original idea, but I found another blog that someone was telling "their story' with random "get to know me" type questions.

What better way to get to know someone, than by asking basic, goofy questions that reveal a little bit of how their mind works and the things they like.  This is me.

I challenge you to tag up and play along.  This week's prompt:

If you were forced to go back in time to the olden days, but were allowed to take 10 modern conveniences with you, what would you take?

I Couldn't Live Without

1.  A camera - Of course to preserve the memories and the history of the time and evolution of society as it caught back up to today

2.  Indoor plumbing - I'm sorry but I am NOT about to have to trudge out in the snow or rain, or have to worry about cleaning a septic tank or the smell around a hole in the ground.  I want my warm padded seat, extra soft toilet paper, and a loud flush that just takes it away like magic and I never have to even think about it!  It also needs to include clean filtered water for my shower, just sayin'

3.  A Refrigerator - Hello!  I've read the stories where they had to store things in a basement or couldn't have certain things during certain times of the year, and I don't even like warm milk!  Plus I live in Texas, we have that clay soil that can't support a basement and bipolar weather.  I feel like I'd starve to death.

4. An Oven - So yes I want a fridge, and of course I need to be able to COOK it!  I love to cook, as evidenced by my recipes all over my blog.  I don't want to limited to having to start a fire in the fireplace and what I can cook in a pot or roast.  How did they make cookies back then??

5.  Central Heat and Air - I mentioned I live in Texas right?  Can you even imagine not having conditioning in August when the temps soar over 100* for several days in a row?  or no heat on the weekend (like this past one) where after a beautiful 80* sunny day, and we get a freak ice storm that shuts down the city for 3 days??  No thanks!  I need climate control.

6.  Internet - How else would I share my story with you guys?  And you know honestly I can do without TV if I have to, but the internet these days is the "information super highway".  Kids these days have never even heard of an encyclopedia.  Google has actually become an official verb in the dictionary.  And you know what, I'm guilty too.....if I don't know something....GOOGLE IT!

7.  Contacts - I am blind as a bat without my contacts.  Seriously.  I cannot see more than about 4 inches in front of my face, and my coke bottle glasses have to be so small to focus my vision that they give me absolutely no peripheral vision....and yes I'm vain!

8.  Lip Balm - OMGsh.  I think I'm addicted or something. This winter I have had the WORST chapped lips.  I have never had such a problem and none of my regular stuff is even helping.  It's AWEFUL.  The only thing that seems to is the Vaseline Lip Therapy.  I'm hoping that when Spring finally gets here it'll help.  It's just NEVER been this bad...every! :-/

9.  My Car - I just can't even imagine having to take a horse and buggy all the way from my neck of the woods to the ballpark!  I'd have to take like 2 days off work for every game! Oh wait, that doesn't sound all that bad actually....oh but then there's that central heat and air thing again.  Nevermind!

10.  Cell Phone - I know, I know.  Pathetic,  I was really trying to avoid using this one, but you know....I would honestly be lost without it.  It's like my connection to the world.  I am totally that person that walks around patting her butt to make sure she didn't leave it somewhere, and everytime I don't have it (because it's actually in my purse) my pulse quickens and I panic a little.  Ugh pathetic.

Gee....I guess I may be a little more spoiled than I realized.  What's your story?  What would you bring?


Update 04/05/15:  I decided to make a scrapbook for this challenge series.  Here's the page for Challenge 1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything on your list!