Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday Favorite Things

These are a few of my favorite things this week...(and yes now I'm singing the Sound of Music song in my mind). LOL

My Rangers Blanket
My BFF's mom made this for me and it is so super soft and fuzzy, and it's been dang COLD here lately.  Plus, it's Rangers!!  I love to snuggle up under it and watch tv or read.

Craft Beers
I've never really been a beer drinker before, but I've actually enjoyed trying all the different flavored craft beers over the last year.  These are a couple of our favorites of the winder season:  Blue Moon Cinnamon Horchata Ale and First Peach Ale.

I mean....I'm from Texas, of course a good margarita is one of my favorite things...I mean who doesn't love a good margarita...with some chips and salsa...

Eggs Benedict
I had never really tried this before, but my Studhubs LOVES it so I decided to make it for him one Saturday morning....OMG how did I not ever try this before?!?!  I didn't know what I was missing!!  Delicious!!

My Kindle
Studhubs got this for me for Christmas, and I have been a reading fiend lately.  It's especially awesome that it isn't so heavy when I fall asleep reading in bed and drop it on my face, and that I don't have to get out and drive to the library to check out a book in this nasty weather we've had lately!  Check out my About Me page to see what I'm currently reading, it updates pretty regularly...


Unknown said...

These are awesome favorites. I am a big fan of eggs Benedict.

Katherines Corner said...

I love your favorite things post!!!! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. xo