Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tell Your Story Tuesday....Challenge #2

Another week of Tell your Story Tuesday.  Link up and play along...

What are some choices in your life that affected where you are now?

If I Only Knew Now...

I firmly believe that God has a plan for each of us, and although we are given free will to make our own choices and often stray from the path He has for us, He is faithful and always brings us back to where He wants us.  So here are a few decisions I made that may have had some impact to where I am now...

Moving Out at 18 - I fought so much with my mom, I had this big attitude and couldn't wait to move out from my parent's house.  I packed the last of my things in the back of my car and left as soon as I got home from the High School graduation ceremony.  I vowed I would never again have to move back home.

That is the positive, I did make it on my own and never had to move back home.  That's not to say there weren't a couple of times I had to borrow a little to cover bills, but eventually I did pay it all back and have always worked hard to support myself and my family.

Education Choices - Once upon a time, I thought I wanted to be a lawyer.  Then somewhere along the way, I decided I did not want to go to school for several more years and moved out (yes at 18 on graduation day) with a boyfriend instead of going to college.  So maybe that wasn't the smartest choice... of course that relationship didn't work out, and it's a dual example of where I hope my kids will learn from my mistakes instead of repeating them.

Again, I was blessed to get my foot in the door at good company and able to work my way up.  I have a good job, am respected by my peers and make a pretty decent living.

Marriage - When I got married the first time, I feel like the biggest thing was just jumping into it, and not considering God's plan.  If I had, I may have made a different decision, or at least waited a while longer.  I can't say that it was a totally bad decision, or that it was all a bad experience even.  We did have some good years, and I also do not believe that once we did get married that God pulled us apart for different plans, I know that marriage is a covenant and God honors that.  I think we messed that up all by ourselves, maturity and selfishness and a host of other bad decisions.

The biggest blessing here is that had I not married my first husband, I would not have my two beautiful girls.  As much of a P.I.T.A. as they are, they are still amazing and I love them and wouldn't ever trade them for anything

Divorce - As hard as this one was, it really did turn out to be a good one.  Things had become so miserable even my daughter was telling me it was time.  Plus, it forced me to learn who I was and brought me to the opportunity of meeting the wonderful man I have now (who actually I really believe was part of the original plan anyway...we've always circled each other and just never crossed paths until we were both in the right place).  Although I did resist and have a lot of fear in the beginning, I did a lot of praying about it.  I honestly believe this was where we were meant to be, and am so happy.

Salvation - So maybe this should have been the first thing I mentioned, but as I think about the detail behind this statement,  maybe it doesn't really matter what choices I made and how far off the path I've strayed.  I believe God does work all things together for good, and although I may have made some not so smart choices/decisions in my life, and I did not always consult God for direction, He has always looked out for me and routed me right back to where I need to be, and the plan He has had for me all along.

What's your story?


Update 04/11/15:  I decided to make a scrapbook for this challenge series.  Here's the page for Challenge 2


Kate Pace said...

This is such a sweet post and a very mature outlook on the choices we make and the way things happen in life. I too believe that God has a special plan for each of us, but we are so good at messing it up on our own sometimes! Even still, He always brings us right back to Him, to His plan. That is what's so beautiful about life.

Unknown said...

Thank you Kate, and thank you for visiting my blog. Hope you'll stop by again :)