Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Some of you who know me, already know what an amazing man my pastor is.  I swear he has a direct hotline to heaven, I always picture a red phone sitting on the corner of his desk, although I've never seen it in his office.  I guess he probably keeps it hidden, it might make some people nervous ;-)

But I'm not joking really, it never ceases to amaze me that every time I am struggling with something Pastor Dave will give a sermon that directly addresses my fear, doubt, worry, or struggle.  Or maybe he'll randomly text me that day with a verse or even just a thought that I came to his mind and he's praying for me.  He is truly a wonderful man of God.  If you don't have a church home, please come visit us at GracePointe.

Anyway…this week was no exception, and even our Associate Pastor was in on it!  First we must learn to "Embrace the moment."  Don't worry about the 'what ifs' or the 'unknown', just live for right now and trust the rest to God.  Believe in his promises.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
                                                                           ~ Romans 8:28

This week's main message (and homework assignment) centered around rejoicing, even in trial.  Trial is temporary and I need to believe and trust in God.
In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 
                                                                           ~ 1 Peter 1:6-7

And while I'm sure this wasn't really a "homework" assignment that I am suppose to turn in or anything, Pastor Dave said "Write down all the things He has done for you."  I did and I really want to share. I guess this is really kind of similar to the Month of Thankfulness thing that many posted as their Facebook status in November but I didn't really play this past year.  Besides I don't post every day and can hardly remember to do anything every day anyway.  I digress…here's my list:

  1. I rejoice in knowing that He is a God of love, forgiveness, compassion, mercy and grace, and all those things that as sinful humans, we really don't even deserve.
  2. I rejoice in knowing that God has a plan for me that is so much bigger than I could ever imagine.  I know he always knows what is best for me, and the perfect order and timing to put it into action. 
  3. I rejoice in knowing that He is a God of protection and provision. I truly have everything I actually need, and He knows when I will be ready to handle more responsibility.
  4. I rejoice in knowing that my perceived trials are only temporary and I can trust Him to bring me through them.  He will never give me more than I can handle, and I seem to notice that later when I think about them, while I remember they seemed difficult at the time, they don't seem so monumental now that I'm through.
  5. I give thanks for each and every day that the sun rises, that I am in it and I am presented with new opportunities to love and prosper.
  6. I am thankful for two smart, funny, beautiful and healthy girls that definitely keep me on my toes!  Teenagers may not always be "fun" but I love them and wouldn't trade a moment!
  7. I am thankful for an awesome man that makes me feel like a princess, and brings love and joy back into my life.  <3 li="">
  8. I am thankful for certain meddling friends and daughters and their match-making skills! ;-)
  9. I am thankful for incredible best friends who love and support me in good times and bad.  Who laugh with me, cry with me, listen to my rants, encourage me when I'm down, and alert me to extra large 'holes in the ground' should I ever need them. ;-)
  10. I am thankful for an amazing Pastor that truly cares about me and my family, who intercedes on our behalf and who has a direct hotline to God and delivers the exact message or encouragement exactly when I need to hear it!
  11. I am thankful for an awesome family who puts up with my moods and selfishness, but loves me anyway.  I know I could always count on them to support me and take my side, when it's warranted, but call me out when I'm wrong.  
  12. I am thankful for Thursday nights and the opportunity to spend time with my awesome guy and his great kids, who don't seem to mind my butting in on their 'dad time.'
  13. I am thankful for a regular job that allows me to provide for my kids a comfortable home, food on the table, a car to get us around, clothes on our backs, and many of the extra things we want, although don't necessarily always need. 
  14. And yes I am also thankful that it provides health insurance and that I don't have to mess with Obamacare! >.<
I'm sure I could go on and on but these are the ones that immediately come to mind. Again I say REJOICE!

What's on your list??


The Anderson Family said...

Love you Tricia. I never see your face, but know that I miss it.

The Anderson Family said...

Love you Tricia. I never see your face, but know that I miss it.