Wednesday, May 14, 2014

10 Day Blog Challenge ~ Day 5

Blog Challenge Day 5: Six Ways to Win My Heart

Well I'm actually reading The 5 Love Languages right now, so I think mine are 'Quality Time' and 'Acts of Service', but then again 'Gifts' are always nice too.  I'll try to give some specific examples I guess.  Gosh, how do I write this without sounding shallow? >.<

1.  Offer to Help ~ I guess this goes with Acts of Service, but a man that will cook for me, or offer to mow my yard, or fix a faucet or something says more to me than words. <3 p="">
2.  Be Considerate of my Kids ~ I'm a package deal, and someone who doesn't have to be reminded that I have these 2 beautiful girls, or suggest some impromptu trip I can't really go on without a little planning, or who even reminds me if I'm not paying enough attention to my own kids moves right to the top of the running.

3.  Be willing to talk to me...and listen ~ I'm a talker, so sometimes you may have to listen more that talk, but just being able to carry a conversation about whatever random topic I come up with is important.  Really just nodding and letting me ramble will work too. ;-)  But really, someone I can talk to about anything, whether it be the latest movie, my workday, my frustrating teenagers or even touchy couples issues.

4.  Honesty and Integrity ~ Basic values are important, I hate dishonesty and deceit.  But someone who doesn't keep secrets, who stands up for what they believe in, and always tries to do what's right is tops in my book.

5.  Tell me I'm Beautiful ~ This is the one that probably sounds most shallow...but I have to admit, it's nice to hear, and honestly I'd rather be with someone who does really think I'm beautiful even with no makeup and in my glasses.

6.  Love Baseball ~ Or at least not mind it, because we will go to lots of games and watch the rest on TV!

Ok so I really could go my cooking (and tell me), be a man of God, be my friend and companion, and truly a partner.  Can I just say right now, how incredibly lucky I feel to say I happen to know someone who does ALL of these things!! <3 p="">

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