Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What I'm Loving...Wednesday

I skipped last week because I just simply ran out of time.  The kids were home half the week, but I still had to work, then before I knew it, it was Friday and I was headed out of town in the middle of a blizzard!  or at least what we consider a blizzard for DFW.

Anyway, here's what I'm loving this week:

...My New Quilt

Which actually is old, I guess.  I started this quilt way back in like 2008 doing a square swap with some ladies from work, then I got it all pieced together, and even got the muslin and batting pinned...then stopped.  I don't even remember why I stopped and put it in a closet, then it just sat there neglected for years.

Well my girlfriends invited me to a scrapbook retreat last weekend. It was kind of last minute but I figured it would too much trouble to dig out all the supplies I would need to try and scrapbook a bunch of old pictures I haven't looked at in years (...are you seeing a trend here? :-/).  Anyway...I dug it out, took it with me and I FINISHED IT!!  I'm so proud of myself!  It even still kind of matches my bedroom and I LOVE IT!

...Girl Time

A group of my girlfriends and I started getting together for a monthly Girls Night.  I invited different people I thought would enjoy it, and they didn't even all know each other.  There are still a few girls that haven't gotten to come yet, but I keep inviting them and hope they'll make it.  Anyway we have a great time, and someone else hosts every month to entertain us.  It's been a lot of fun for all of us, it's low stress and relaxing to just get together have time to talk and laugh and maybe we'll learn something new and make a new friend.  Maybe it's equivalent guys and their poker night I guess.

This past weekend, I even went on a girls retreat and we had a blast.  It was very laid back and fun, I already wanna go again!  I didn't even find out about it until like Monday and my sweet Studhubs totally encouraged me to go.

...Speaking of my Studhubs

He encouraged me to go on a girls weekend, after only 5 months of marriage and then spent the whole weekend alone iced in with our 4 kids!  Also last week, during the icy conditions he drove my daughter all the way to Ft. Worth for work then to Dallas for his own, then back again after.  He's so very selfless most times.  I am so blessed.

What are YOU loving this week??


Rachel said...

I LOVE your quilt!! You are so talented! :) I am SO behind on scrapbooking, it's not even funny. I need to just sit down one weekend and start on them.

Yeah for your hubby braving the ice and the kids. Lol.

We need to have girls night out sometime soon! Miss ya! :)

Thanks for linking up!


Laura @Simply Me, The way I see it said...

You definately have a greaty hubby. I can't wait for the next GNO and I don't know what I am more excited about, showing y'all the house, Trade Days, or grilling out and sharing girl time! I miss you ladies so much! (I invited a couple extra friends this month too.)

Thanks for linking up.